Recurring - One-time Authorization Check

Use this endpoint to get the connect_code after the user authorizes the initial Shopper Consent request.

GET {{BASE_URL}}/partner/shopper_connect/one_time_auth_check/{connect_ref}/

The returned connect_status value can either be pending, rejected or authorized.

If connect_status is authorized, the connect_code value will be returned in the response.

The connect_code value will only be returned once if the connect_status is authorized. You must securely store both the connect_ref & connect_code values on your end and pass them when you want to auto-debit the user's Shopper wallet using the Recurring - Auto-debit Shopper Wallet ENDPOINT.

See a sample of the authorized response below




This is returned after a successful request with the Recurring - Seek Shopper Consent ENDPOINT


     'Authorization': 'Bearer xhscIjHgpm2ZiPjzKos4ivl4GhyZp5',
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      'moni-signature': 'wed332eeddrdbdbdbdbvdvdvdvvsbsvsd'

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