When you have all the details needed to initiate the transaction, the next step is to tie them to the javascript function that passes them to Bani and displays the Bani Pop Widget.
const paymentForm = document.getElementById('paymentForm');
paymentForm.addEventListener('submit',(e)=> payWithBani(e), false);
function payWithBani (e) {
let handler = BaniPopUp({
amount: document.getElementById('amount').value, //The amount the customer wants to pay
phoneNumber: document.getElementById('phone-number').value, //The mobile number of the customer in int format i.e +2348173709000
email: document.getElementById('email').value, //The email of the customer
firstName: document.getElementById('first-name').value, //The first name of the customer
lastName: document.getElementById('last-name').value, //The last name of the customer
merchantKey: "pub_test_EGB9QD8TQPV0ZD", //The merchant Bani public key
metadata: "", //Custom JSON object passed by the merchant. This is optional
merchantRef: "", //Custom unique payment reference passed by the merchant. This is optional
onClose: (response) => {
console.log("ONCLOSE DATA",response)
callback: function (response) {
let message = 'Payment complete! Reference: ' + response?.reference
console.log(message, response)
Important notes
The merchantKey field here takes your Bani public key.
The amount field holds the total amount to pay.
The merchantRef field is a custom unique reference passed by the merchant. This is optional
The callback method is called when payment has been completed.
The onClose method is called if the user closes the widget.